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Earth To Humans: Houston, California, Puerto Rico, Florida, New Orleans, We've Got A Problem...

Fellow Travelers on this Earthship circling around the Sun,

Global warming is ravaging the planet. People are racking their brains, trying to figure out how to stay cool, keep their heads above water, and the lights on without burning up the planet.

Each new year is the hottest on record. Earth's life support systems are spiraling out of control.

We have just enough coal, oil, and nuclear left to burn up and then blow up the planet, if we don't leave them in the ground. Fortunately we humans have highly evolved human brains and remember enough history to know that the stone age didn't end because we ran out of stones.

The answer is Solar. Wind. Energy Conservation. Energy Efficiency. Geothermal. Hydroelectric. Earth's most abundant energy resources!

World's Annual Renewable Energy Resources

Compared To

Total Finite Fossil Fuel & Nuclear In Ground Reserves

From Solar Power Generation in the U.S: Too Expensive, Or a Bargain? R. Perez, K. Zweibel, T. Hoff

We know is that it’s not a lack of concern or inability on the part of the citizens to assess the situation and provide a workable solution. Taking time away from our busy lives and jobs to get it done, Missouri’s concerned citizens took action in 2008, Missourians put the Renewable Energy Standards (RES) on the ballot and passed the it with an overwhelming two-thirds of the vote.

The Renewable Energy Standards (RES) call for the state to start ramping up the amount of electricity coming from renewable energy sources - namely, solar, wind, geothermal, and energy efficiency - the state’s most abundant energy resources. However the legislature and the Public Service Commission have been hard at work steadily dismantling the RES ever since.

Wait - what? How does the PSC have the authority to overturn provisions of the Renewable Energy Standards (RES) state law (393.1030.4, RSMo) passed as a voter initiative petition 2008 by two-thirds of Missouri voters?

Nobody seems to know!

According to Professor Mark Jacobson at Stanford, the world can power itself with 100 percent renewables:

This has the potential to be Missouri's biggest job and business creator, revitalizing our economy:

Across the United States the transition to renewables is underway and in many states the energy business is booming!

While others, of which Missouri is one, unfortunately, remain stuck in their same old rut, burning imported coal from Wyoming to generate 80% of its electricity, rather than create jobs here at home using our own most abundant energy resources to generate electricity.

Despite the massive support the will of the people keeps being overturned. After all our best efforts, less than 1 percent of Missouri's electricity comes from solar:

Read more about why this is a problem.

What can we do to change things? At the Federal level, decisive support for climate action is taking off to turn politics around. The Citizens' Climate Lobby is working with the Congress to pass a landmark price on carbon. Many other countries have already done this.

The Climate Mobilization is calling for this transition to happen as expeditiously as possible, in time to leave our children a livable world. Many of the leading climate scientists agree, that at 400 PPM CO2 in earth's atmosphere, we have already burned too much fossil fuel and are now seeing the consequences begin to unfold in the form of increasing frequency and intensity of catastrophic weather events.

September 2017 was historic for the climate mobilization cause: we joined Naomi Klein and a coalition of City of Los Angeles leaders and community organizers to announce the formation of a Climate Justice Mobilization 2025 working group.

Its mission: to achieve a carbon-neutral Los Angeles by 2025. The Climate Mobilization team has been working with Council member Koretz’s office and the Leap team on this effort behind the scenes for months, and we are very excited to see L.A. citizens taking on the concept of climate action planning and adapting it to the needs of their own communities.

According to Bill McKibben, the call for 100 percent renewables is "gaining traction because technology is such that a move toward 100 percent renewable energy would make economic sense even if fossil fuels weren't wrecking the Earth. If you pay a power bill, it's the only viable path forward.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently held the 2017 Solar Decathlon competition showcasing 16 teams from colleges and universities across the United States and around the world, building solar-powered houses that are affordable, innovative and highly energy-efficient. Participants included the University of Missouri's science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education efforts, dedicated to building a more knowledge-intensive workforce.”

The Climate Mobilization Victory Plan, written by Ezra Silk, is a policy document that tangibly demonstrates how the U.S. could eliminate net greenhouse gas emissions by 2025, contribute to a global effort to restore a safe climate, and reverse ecological overshoot through a massive WWII-scale mobilization.

"We need to stop thinking about climate change as an "environmentalist" concern, and start thinking about it as a "kids and grandkids" concern."

& TCM's Victory Plan

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